Mk-1 Licensorversion 1.0: promises to eliminate software piracy by creating a customized License Key for a computer. A License Key generated by using Mk-1 Licensor is valid only on the computer for which it is generated. This eliminates the possibility of more than one person sharing a License Key or registration information, the most common way software products are pirated.
Software piracy is rampant and growing everyday. In fact, it was up 40% in 2002 compared to 2001. It is leading to loss of billions of dollars of revenue for software companies. It is time that you take action and safeguard yourself against 'software criminals'.
Learn to use this powerful tool to:
1. Eliminate software piracy and copyright infringement of your software products
2. Generate and manage License Keys of software products for your customers
3. Use Mk-1 Licensor as a customer relationship management tool.
You will see a growth in revenue from your software products within no time. We believe that no software product should be without Mk-1 Licensor within it.
Click to see more details and download a trial evaluation copy.
Zip 'n' Split version 1.1
Having troubles moving large files? Zip 'n' Split is the complete solution:
Compress a large file using world's most powerful compression algorithm
Split files based on file size or number of pieces
Verify split files for accuracy
Move split files using floppy and other drives, email or ftp, then conveniently join split files and decompress to get the original file.
Click to see details, download a trial evaluation copy and take advantage of a promotional offer (while supplies last).
Create a complete E-commerce website quickly and easily using Magneton Cart
Click here to see details and a demo .
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